
Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Youth training resumes Sat 25th Feb 2012

All youth players are back at training at our home ground at Donkey Lane Enfield on Sat 25th Feb 2012.
From 1.30pm to 3pm.
New youth players very welcome , no experience necessary.
This year we hope to field teams from the following age groups : Under 8s / 10s / 12s / 14s / 16s

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Sunday, 5 September 2010

What is Gaelic football ?

Gaelic Football has its origins in Ireland and is best described as a combination of soccer , basketball and rugby. The game is played on a rectangular grass pitch with H-shaped goals at each end. We use a round ball slightly smaller then a soccer ball. The primary object is to score by kicking or striking the ball with the hand and getting it through the goals – the lower goal as in soccer and between the posts as in rugby. Players advance the ball up the field with a combination of carrying, soloing (dropping and then toe-kicking the ball upward into the hands), kicking, and hand-passing to their team-mates.

Thursday, 26 August 2010

The Top 12 Gaelic football skills

Coaches and players Click on this link for detailed information on the top 12 gaelic football skills.
Thankyou to our friends at Crossmaglen Rangers, Armagh for making this link available.

Remember practice makes perfect !

Sunday, 15 August 2010

How we coach children at North London Shamrocks

North London Shamrocks adopt a child centered approach to coaching using the principles of 'GO-GAMES' when training our under 12s/10s/8s.
The 'GO-GAMES' system is the official coaching structure from the GAA for children.
To find out more about our coaching philosophy click on the official links below.